Specific detectivity

Specific detectivity, or D*, for a photodetector is a figure of merit used to characterize performance, equal to the reciprocal of noise-equivalent power (NEP), normalized per unit area and bandwidth.

Specific detectivity is given by D^*=\frac{\sqrt{A}\sqrt{B}}{NEP}, where A is the area of the photosensitive region of the detector and B is the bandwidth in Hz. Its common units are cm \cdot \sqrt{Hz}/ W, also called the Jones in honor of R. Clark Jones who defined this magnitude.[1][2]

Given that noise-equivalent power can be expressed as a function of the responsivity \mathfrak{R} (in units of A/W or V/W) and the noise spectral density S_n (in units of A/Hz^{1/2} or V/Hz^{1/2}) as NEP=\frac{S_n}{\mathfrak{R}}, it's common to see the specific detectivity expressed as D^*=\frac{\mathfrak{R}\cdot\sqrt{A}}{S_n}.

The unit Jones is now commonly used with the D* figure of merit.

It is often useful to express the specific detectivity in terms of relative noise levels present in the device. A common expression is given below.

D^* = \frac{q\lambda \eta}{hc} [\frac{4kT}{R_0 A}%2B2q^2 \eta \Phi_b]^{-1/2}

With q as the electronic charge, \lambda is the wavelength of interest, h is planck's constant, c is the speed of light, k is Boltzmann's Constant, T is the temperature of the detector, R0A is the Zero-Bias dynamic resistance area product (often measured experimentally, but also expressable in noise level assumptions), \eta is the quantum efficiency of the device, and \Phi_b is the total flux of the source (often a blackbody) in Photons/sec/cm²

References and footnotes

  1. ^ R. C. Jones, "Quantum efficiency of photoconductors," Proc. IRIS 2, 9 (1957)
  2. ^ R. C. Jones, "Proposal of the detectivity D** for detectors limited by radiation noise," J. Opt. Soc. Am. 50, 1058 (1960), doi:10.1364/JOSA.50.001058)

 This article incorporates public domain material from the General Services Administration document "Federal Standard 1037C".